Weekly Agenda for 03/19/2007 ~ 03/23/2007

03/19 Monday (B-7th)

* Group review for the Circulatory System Test
* Circulatory System Test
* After the test, an introductory video on the digestive system from YouTube (Please see the following video) will be shown to the class to activate students' prior knowledge.
* Another detailed version of the digestive system video will be shown to prepare students for this week's lessons.
Kids Health - Digestive System

03/20 Tuesday (A-3rd)
03/21 Wednesday (B-7th)

Objectives:  Students will learn...
1. the structure of the digestive system
2. the role of the mouth, gullet and stomach in digestion
3. the role of the pancreas, gall bladder, small intestine and large intestine in digestion and absorption

Engage: How long is your digestive system?
Ask students to estimate the length of human digestive system components such as esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.

Explore: Digestive system in action!
Part 1 - Chewing
* Have students eat samples of the different types of foods.
* Ask - Did some foods require more chewing than others? Why? Which foods required tearing or grinding? Did any foods require no chewing at all? Why not? 
Part 2 - Digesting
* Students will be divided into pairs.  Ask each pair to put some potato chunks in one jar and put some grated potato in the other jar. Add water to each jar. Fasten each lid. 
* Students take turns shaking both jars for 10 minutes. 
* Look at the mixture. Discuss what happened to the potato.  


03/22 Thursday (A-3rd)
03/23 Friday (B-7th)

Objectives:  Students will learn...
1. the structure of the digestive system
2. the role of the mouth, gullet and stomach in digestion
3. the role of the pancreas, gall bladder, small intestine and large intestine in digestion and absorption

Digestive system in action!
Part 3 - Small intestine
* Ask students to work in pair again.  Mix black pepper and water in a cup. Pour it through a paper towel into another cup.
* Ask - What went through the paper towel and what did not? 
Part 4 - Large intestine and digestive model activity
* Discuss the function of large intestine.
* Ask each student to create a model of digestive system on a trash bag by using color markers. (See Pictures of the week)

* Have each student wear his or her digestive system trash bag model around.  Go around the classroom to ask them about the functions of each organ.
* Have each student create a flow chart and tell what happens during the digestive process. Begin with the teeth.
